O'Dea High School

O’Dea High School Foundation

The O’Dea High School Foundation was established in 1985 to provide assistance to O’Dea High School for charitable, religious, and educational purposes. Today, it’s governed by five Board members (pictured below) with expertise in the financial and risk management sectors. The Foundation’s assets include donations made to named scholarship endowments, the general endowment, and other general donations from people with an interest in supporting O’Dea financially and in perpetuity. Per the Spending Policy, the Foundation Board approves an annual donation to O’Dea to support the financial aid program. The amount approved for the 2024-2025 school year was $601,223, which will help offset the expected cost of $2 million in aid.

We are grateful to our Board members and all those who support the O’Dea High School Foundation!

Foundation Board Members