
Thank you for your interest in O’Dea High School! I am here to serve as a resource for you and your family through the admissions process. I encourage you to create a portal account to join our mailing list and stay up-to-date on all things related to admissions. I also invite you to check out our Visit O’Dea page for opportunities to learn more about our school.

O’Dea is the only all-male Catholic college preparatory high school in the Pacific Northwest. Our mission is to educate young men and prepare them to be men of character, faith, and service. The unique O’Dea Experience is holistic and fosters academic success, unparalleled bonds of brotherhood, and a tradition of winning, with honor.

As a proud O’Dea graduate, I understand what an extraordinary place this is for young men. I look forward to working with you through the admissions process.

Go Irish!

Kristian Michael Patterson ’01
Director of Admissions