O’Dea is a community grounded in character, faith, and service. Service to one’s community and the world is integral to any Catholic education. Our program is not just about service, it is about service learning. As a school we endeavor to shape students who reflect on their service in order to gain understanding about people’s lives and witness how our society does and doesn’t take care of its most vulnerable members. Our mission is rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and acknowledges that we all have a role to play in our world.
- All students must complete 25 service hours per school year by June 1 of each school year.
- Hours completed during the summer before each school year count toward your total hours.
- The sites listed below (with links to volunteer information) are possible sites, not an exhaustive list. Please consult their website for more details or talk with our Campus Minister about other volunteer opportunities
- All service hours should be entered online.