The House System at O’Dea offers a multitude of opportunities for authentic student leadership. Students from every grade level fill the fifty leadership positions. Together, these students collaborate with their House Dean, Mentor Teacher, House Director and the Director of Campus Ministry to engage the student body in social, spiritual, and competitive events.
School Captain
The School Captain is the primary leader for the entire O’Dea student body. The School Captain works closely with the House Director and other school leaders on ways to develop connectedness throughout the O’Dea community and support the mission of our school.
School Vice-Captains
The two School Vice-Captains serve as overall school leaders in support of the House System, planning and executing House events and representing O’Dea at school functions and community events.
School Chaplains
The Chaplains serve as the face of spirituality at O’Dea High School through three main categories: 1) Prayer, 2) Service, 3) Retreats. The School Chaplain is the overall student leader for helping to develop student initiatives around faith and service.
House Captains
House Captains work closely with their House Deans to plan and execute House events, such as student orientations, assemblies, dances, socials, and other House-related activities, as well as help to create a positive and spirited House culture and identity.
Mentor Group Captains
Mentor Group Captains work closely with their Mentor Teachers to plan and lead mentor group activities that promote personal and social development.